Saturday 20 June 2015

Tornado watch last night

So this is the first time I am putting another post virtually right after another; after posting last nights blog we were watching tv and warnings came across the screen about a tornado warning just North of us in Montana. We looked outside around 7PM and saw a cloud formation which was like no other we've seen before. Then an hour later we could see the lighting in the distance, it got more intense, then a first alert sounded on tv and they interrupted my US Open golf watch to warn people to get into sturdy safe surroundings; they warned that the storm coming could destroy mobile homes. Then it hit, we ARE in a mobile home. The news reported a tornado had hit the ground about 50 miles due North of us but was moving in an Easterly direction. But as this system was moving, the end (right side) just caught the area we were, in Rapid City SD. The wind picked up and it was certainly rocking the trailer! The tv warned about possibility of big hail stones, reports North had the size of baseballs!!
It started to rain hard (or so I thought) but realized it was hailing. I immediately pulled in the slides as we have roller awnings over the slides; I could picture baseballs ripping to shreds these awnings. We were going to bed as this was around 10:30 but realized it was way to loud. The lighting actually came closer and more intense; it was like a fireworks show, a rapid succession of lighting and thunder for about 20 minutes, but we could see it move easterly from us and eventually subsided. Man what a show but it also reminded us of the power God wields through His creation. We've been watching Bill move from Texas first North and now east; the devastation something like this can do is awe inspiring. And there's nothing one can do but be aware of ones surroundings and take precautions. This morning we awoke to a beautiful clear sky with no cloud in site; the forecast is for calmer weather; we hope so, it was very unnerving what we experienced last night.
 never seen this kind of formation before, later we knew why

 we were right along the edge of the system but did get hit wind winds and hail

 we are in Rapid City, the second wave on the left caught us; if this system had been 50 miles more South? we may had to hide in the RV parks office which has part of their building built into the hillside; hmmm, I wonder why!!


  1. This is the time to shape up or ship out.Neuroluma My buddy and I were just talking over this specific issue, jane is continually eeking to prove me incorrect! I am going to show her this particular blog post and additionally rub it in a little!Keep this in mind: There is nothing really true with what I am saying.

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