Tuesday 16 June 2015

June 16 Holland day 2

We could retire here; what a nice place! We slept in this morning, for the first time in a long time after our long drive yesterday.
We started the day by taking the bikes off the rack and headed for the great lake, water, sand dunes, AND SUUUUUNNN. We're really hoping we get lots more from here on in, the time in Canada was unfortunately quite dreary. The lakeshore here is really gorgeous. After our long bike ride we headed into Holland; we first checked out a klompen factory; no one was working but we saw the machinery and finished products. At this plant they even had plastic and cloth klompen (for those who don't want to wear 6 pairs of socks :). next we checked out a Dutch village; after buying some speculaas and got our souvenirs we had a light lunch of croquettes and coffee, not as good as the ones we buy from ladies aid :)
From there we drove to Windmill Island a preserved area donated by an early pioneer; the Dutch were here a lot earlier than our typical pioneers in Canada. I tried to speak some Dutch to workers in these different tourist traps; they looked at me funny. After I asked if they were Dutch, they said yes but it was their great grand parents who immigrated in the early 1900's.
From here we drove to Saugatuk, a quaint little village 20 minutes south of Holland. here we found a cute little pub/restaurant right on the water for our dinner. A very nice day, of course sunshine always help.
Since entering Michigan we've encountered a lot of road construction, both on the freeways and in Holland. At least they're trying hard here to fix their crappy roads, unlike other areas where nothing is being done.
PS lots of pictures this time; must've been the good weather and the fact we're in our "home country"

 not too often you see a wooden lighthouse

 good place for a photo opp

 I hired a guy to take this one. check out his website at www.selfieinfrontofthebikewithprecisionbythemaster.com

 this is called Tunnel Park. I wonder why! the dunes on the other side were very nice

 the other side

 a Dutch farm with a Klompen factory

 THE machinery; still making them in America

 big shoes to fill

 there was no way I was going to not include this one. Thanks sweety for being a trooper

 yes I was wearing the right shirt for today :) no I did not buy the hootje

 the Dutch village, a nice recreation

 as well

 the windmill was purchased from the Netherlands in 1964 and brought to Holland Michigan; it was THE last one purchased before preservation measures were put into place in the Netherlands

 before our tour of the windmill, we were presented with a traditional klompen dance. the ironic thing was they were all 4 girls; I guess the boys have run off

 very nice reproduction

 this merry go around is over 100 years old, we took a ride (aaawwww :)) check out our hired photographers website www.selfiebythemasterontheferrygoroundtakingahotpicgtureoftheawesomecouple.com

 lots of construction in Michigan

 this ones for Kevin, my son in law

 nice shirt Bill!!


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