Thursday 4 June 2015

June 3 Off to PEI

Weeelll! last night was by far the most rain we've seen on our trip; it poured buckets!! Now us D's are pretty sound sleepers (thanks MOM :)) but last night? When one is "glamping" in any trailer, rain is the one thing that can awaken you in the middle of a deep sleep; or maybe a tornado! At least twice I woke up and wandered around the trailer to see if any water was leaking through. I know RV's are designed to withstand this type of onslaught, but the way it came down last night I still had to check. The seals worked good :)
It had stopped raining first thing so I made a beeline to the nearest gas station to tank up as I was empty, then pulled in all the water and sewer hoses and power cord. Our initial plan was to stay one more night and explore the West side of the Cabot Trail (we did part of the east side the day prior) as well as seek out the Rankin Families bar which they own; BUT when I got up? It was totally socked in. We made the corporate decision to move on to PEI. The weather forecast looked much better there as the system that was engulfing us here was still expected to last another 1-2 days. And as the drive proved us, it was raining slightly when we left Baddeck and started to improve the further we went West. It was not socked in when we got to PEI but still overcast and windy; the good thing about the wind is its blowing the system out. We had thought about taking a ferry from Pictou NB to PEI which was a little longer in time but shorter in distance; but as we got close to the area where the ferry was, decided to keep going as it was still socked in; a nice sunny ferry ride definitely would've changed our minds.
Couple things today on a very lengthy drive; this was THE longest we had done on the whole trip, 6 hours. We did take our time a bit, stopping at Timmy's en route as well as other pee breaks and info stops. The Federation bridge is one of the engineering marvels of the world; their claim is that's its the longest bridge in the world to cross ice (in the winter, you can literally walk across from New Brunswick to PEI; that's if you reeeealy want to :))
PEI is a small province (Duh) but not very populated because (my theory) there are so many potato farms!! No land for anybody else! From the time we got onto the island to our drive to Kensington where our park is located ( we saw farm after farm with very reddish rich looking soil. Kevin deleeuw would be in potato heaven here :). Small towns, very friendly people.
We have been blessed for sure with good weather on this trip; in total before we got to Halifax I think we had 3 days of rain. We've had 4 days pretty well straight from Halifax to Cape Breton to PEI. Forecasts look much header as we start heading in land the next few days.
 different weather as we leave Cape Breton compared to when we arrived

 looking West from the land joining CB to NS

 for this trip Caroline had bought me "driving gloves" because my hands sweat quite easily; so rather than wipe my hands on my pants every couple minutes (harder when I've worn shorts for 95% of the trip) I wear these most of the time. I know I know, with little good weather pics today I'm grasping at things to post!!

 this is #1 close to Truro before entering NB from the East. Theres a reason so many BIG wind turbines; its reeeealy windy here apparently most of the time. This area is at the end of the Bay of Fundy and gets lots of wind due to the strong tides. I am really impressed with how my truck/rig have handled windy areas; based on the flags flying yesterday, I would guess we had at least 80KPH winds and I really had no movement behind me. The newer rigs are coming out with whats called EZ trac suspension; which is independent axles which seem to help run smoother and straighter. The newer EZ Ride hitch also is smooth (this is the part of the trailer which attaches to my hitch in the bed of the truck). Putting a heavier duty hitch on the truck seems to help as well

 entering the on ramp to the Confederation Bridge

 on the bridge. They have warnings that depending on the speed of winds only certain types of vehicles cant cross. I believe big RV's are not allowed if above 90 KPH!

 so many potato farms!! and the color of the soil; almost a reddish tint. The color comes from the high amount of iron oxide in the soil here


  1. Some places in Aldergrove also have that red soil, but the reddest we've seen is outside of Cairns Australia, up on the Atherton tablelands. This is close though. Good thing you are not pulling a trailer instead of a 5th wheel with those winds hey?

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