Friday 12 June 2015

June 10 Ottawa

W arrived into an RV park about 45 minutes South of Ottawa just off the 401; we thought about looking for something closer but since we'd only be going back and forth on the same highway into Ottawa we decided to grab this spot rather than bulling the beast back and forth.
We made a beeline for downtown, after circling the streets for half an hour we found a parking spot close to the parliament buildings. Grabbed a coffee and green tea at Starbucks and sat down for a bit; all this driving is taking its toll; the bikes haven't been used as much :(. We spent time walking around the nations capitol buildings, saw where the reserve was killed last year; the police presence was very noticeable but one can still walk freely around (not that I had a bomb snuck in my murse but still not like the White House! From thee we drove around the city, found a small island with teepees on it called Victoria Island; we're not sure what is what but some natives doing something!
Went to the Rideau canal, very nice. We then had dinner at a very nice Italian restaurant, food was excellent! A very busy place and we could se why.
I had prearranged to visit Pastor George and Dora Vanpopta, George is an old friend from our pre married days; had a very nice visit with them.
We got back to our camp spot in the dark and the one thing that was very noticeable were the bugs; I was actually worried how many were getting caught in my radiator. That night a very strong wind came off the St Lawrence and woke me a couple times. Ottawa was a bit disappointing as far as whet to see; I guess I can now say we have visited the nations capitol.
 it was nice to see English signs now that we've left Quebec :)

 yup we were there!

 very historic looking buildings

 it seems every wants a piece of the action; since the capitol buildings are in Ottawa, the Ottawa city police want their presence shown. Since Ottawa is in Ontario, the OPP want their presence felt. AND since this is a national building the RCMP want the public to know they're here. They were very friendly though

 this is the back of the parliament buildings; the library

 these guys don't go over the speed limit; still strange to see as we wont in BC

 our first glimpse of Lake Erie on our way to our next stop

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