Friday 12 June 2015

June 12 3rd post today Niagara Falls

The last 2 parks had no wifi so im getting caught up in Niagara Falls.
Well I did manage to make the 2 very tight turns out of the park in New Hamburg this morning; at 2-3 miles per hour!
After inserting our next address, Miss garmin was telling us to get closer to Toronto before heading to Niagara Falls; when we went through TO the other day, the traffic heading in on the 401 was something I didn't want to be any part of so we "over ruled her" and headed down #6. WE realizes why, there were a number of stoplights :(. Now one thing about pulling 20,000 pounds of weight is I don't like stopping quickly; and with no overhead flashing warning lights like we have back home, when you're doing 80-90 KPH and then you see the orange? arggghhh!! I typically have it in cruise, and I shift my right foot over the brake pedal in anticipation, but I much prefer accelerating; I've had a few looks when I take off the line and the guy beside me grins; he knows I got lots of poop under my hood!!
So when I had booked the KOA in Niagara Falls, we had this coupon for one night free from the KOA in Montreal; Great! Except the date on it was 2013!! I couldn't remember what the initial cost was per night, well I was rudely reminded when I arrived to check in; it was a whopping $90 per night!!!! I let the manager know reeeal quick that this was outrageous! She was nice enough and reminded me that this park has so many amenities; the first in door pool, 3 pools, lots of activities for children, AND it is only 10 minutes from Niagara Falls. I really didn't care about any of the aforementioned items; we're an older couple with no kids, and are only here to do one thing; see the Falls! I also let her know about our park in Cathedral City (Palm Springs) was THE nicest park in North America and is very prestine at only $75 per night. She didn't budge. She asked if we were staying 3 nights; not at those prices. We got on line and found a PA park 30 minutes away, we will be moving there tomorrow.
We headed off to the Falls, parking ranged from $5 to $15 close by. We found one actually fairly close to the boat cruise area and got it at $5. A 10 minute walk down and we paid and got on to a fairly empty boat. Good thing it was a Friday we thought.
Well I have to say if anyone ever gets here you MUST take the boat tour right up to the Falls. It was one of the highlights of the trip ; we both had a blast. getting up this close to such a magnificent set of close was really awe inspiring, not to mention we got wet; the cheap $1 parkas they give you don't help much. A real blast!
After we got off the boat we noticed the skies got pretty dark and sure enough as were walking a little more briskly the lighting and thunder started. We were walking up the steps back to the parking lot and realized we better hurry. I an ahead to get the truck and shortcut Caroline; didn't help. We both got drenched. It actually added to the excitement of a really cool afternoon. A great day!
 $90 per night!!!



 we got wet

 look at that hair blowing in the wind :)


  1. You will cry if you find out what I paid for our hotel - Embassy Suites with the best view of the falls right from our room.... and free breakfast, although it sure wasn't the greatest brekkie. $90 just for a campsite!!

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