Friday 19 June 2015

June 19 Mt Rushmore

This morning we had another long drive as well we would be gaining an hour as we would enter Mountain Standard time. But it started out with some concern; we've gone 3 months and over 20,000 KM's without any trailer problems; that is until we were just ready to leave this morning. Our rig has a 120volt fridge which works while we are driving with an inverter with extra deep cell batteries. After I disconnect all hoses and 50amp cord I turn on the inverter switch to keep the fridge going. Well it didn't come on. Went through the motions one more time but still didn't come on. With a 6 hour drive in front of us I was concerned if the freezer in particular could stay cold enough in this stretch. We arrived at our next RV park and as quickly as possible plugged in the heavy cord to turn the fridge back on. The ice cubes were just starting to melt but still ok. From here on in we decided to keep the day drives shorter; we've got lots of time to get home leisurely as we made good time from Ontario to here.
The spot we chose is actually a decent spot; when we pulled in we were concerned of the proximity to the freeway but as we set up noticed the sound from traffic was minimal. The very good part is that it is a Passport America park; we get 50% off, only $66 for 3 nights!! SCORE :) When we look back at the KOA for $90 for one night??
The drive today was again very boring, lots of very big farms with lots of corn fields and lots and lots of cattle. I could tell the terrain is more hilly, I didn't get that many miles out of my tank today :(. It is sunny and 87 degrees in the afternoon, it makes up a little for all the rain back East.
 so this was rather strange; we were driving a secondary highway which had a 65MPH speed limit. Then all of a sudden s stop ahead sign!! Now we're in the middle of cattle country with not a car in site!! I did slow to about 30MPH but BLEW through, felt rather strange but I hate stopping fast with this rig. I think i'll be replacing brakes on the truck when I get back

 here's something else you don't see to often, 80 MPH. I stick to at most 70 :)

 some early glimpses that the terrain is changing

 Mountains!! haven't seen them for quite some time

 we hired a pro for this one, check out


  1. $22US=kindofboringlooking campsite!

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