Friday 5 June 2015

June 5 head West young man! (and wife too)

So we've explored the Maritimes; we've travelled South (from Langley to PS) then East (from PS to Florida) and North (FL to the maritimes) and now we are officially going Westward bound. We first spent our second day in PEI, taking in the many things this smallest Province of Canada has to offer.
We headed first to Avondale, home of Anne of Green Gables. Checked out the authors birth home and the village. Very quaint. Next to Charlottetown, their claim to fame as starting the nation of Canada. felt very patriotic on this part of the trip, we took a tour of the history of the start of Confederation journey. Found a raved review lobster place called Dave's Lobster for lunch; enjoyed a Maritime lobster roll, yummy!! The fries we ate were absolutely deeeelicious! They obviously were very fresh. PEI is the potato capital of the world (sorry Kev) the number of farms we passed was unreal. And each farm was immaculate, seems every potato farmer has a certain standard to uphold here (or they're all rich) all we saw was new RV's in the yard, nice houses, AND everyone has a ride on lawn mower cutting their lawns every day (I guess potato farmers have a lot of down time waiting for the little taters to grow).
We had lots of good photo opps and places to see. The one thing though in the Maritimes is the crappy roads. I've never seen so many road signs saying "bumpy road for next 8 kms" or simply a small squiggly line with the word "BUMPS" below it!
Our RV site was a big operation with 500 sites. many seasonals were starting to have their rigs moved on. bad thing was they had just put in a new wifi system; which you guessed it, wasn't working. That played a role today as we had not planned where we were going to stay, or at least how far we were going to go. We realized after about 5 hours driving that we were not going to make it to the St Lawrence river so we decided to simply pull into "Yogi Bear Campground" in Woodstock NB. So I guess we were in the "old" days and really roughing it with no wifi to plan where we were going next. One thing we forgot was it is Friday; the lady at the front desk gave me this perplexed look and asked "you didn't make a reservation"?? We soon realized this was first the only park for many miles, second its a fun park for kids with water slides, mini putt putt and many other activities for smaller kids. As we had settled in we also noticed how many young families were in the park. Not really set up for the passers by like us. Reminded us again that weekends we really should be booking ahead.
The drive from PEI to Woodstock reminded us a lot of the stretch between Cache Creek and Smithers, in particular Williams Lake, Burns Lake etc... long stretches of rolling hills, no towns to speak of, just a lot of 4 lane highway (the one difference) It was though a very nice quiet drive.
 and yes I look forward to doing dishes EVERY day :)

 local scenery

 PEI must be world capital for cottage parks. lots and lots of these establishments

 the beginning of Canada

 our fathers of Confederation

 an original shot of the first gathering in 1864

 St Dunstans Basilica in Charlottetown. An impressive cathedral

 Founders Hall, the location of the first meeting of the initial Premiers of the provinces of Confederation

 what the Maritimes is known for; LOBSTER! This is a lobster roll, basically lobster with celery, herbs, mayo and some secret ingredient on a bun that every establishment makes a claim theirs is THE BEST. The potato chips ironically were from Nova Scotia! Go figure

 side shot of the Founders Building

 one for Bas, Phil, Jannette and Ben. it was a working regiment in Charlottetown

 the soil on PEI is a deep dark brown/red color. Excellent for growing potatoes

 this was the beach a 5 minute walk from our campsite. The rocks are a limestone shale

 Ok, so this is the TransCanada highway in the Maritimes; 2 lanes and rough!

 certainly a different color of beaches than we're used to

 the number says it all :)



 a typical farmers front yard

the Confederation bridge through a telescope

1 comment:

  1. They serve Lobster roll with potato chips? not fries? Looks American! I guess you eat out a lot if Bill does all the dishes ;)
