Tuesday 2 June 2015

June 2 Sydney Brrrrr!!

So after starting in the heat in Palm Springs, and following it all the way into Canada, the tag "Great White North" hit home today. It was 6 degrees this morning when we headed out and it did not get warmer; matter of fact it went down to 5 degrees during the day! Brrrrr. At least it didn't rain which was forecast. We have used our furnace for the first time last night and today.
We drove North East along the TransCanada on route to Sydney, passing through first Baddeck, North Sydney and into what we felt was a disappointing Sydney. The only highlights there were the biggest fiddle in the world and the cruise ship terminal. The main street was very dumpy and certainly needs some revitalization! We kept on driving to the Marconi Trail passing through towns such as Glace Bay, Port Morien; known as being the first coal mine in North America!, and even one called Catalone Gut! This road was simply terrible, dodging potholes and one lane bridges was my main goal; our livers were given a good workout! Our target destination was Fort Louisburg, a completely rebuilt fort from the 1700's located about as far East in Canada as you can get by car (one can take a ferry or fly to Newfoundland which is further East but we have decided not to. We took a guided tour, complete with a musket firing by one of the "troopers" as well as getting a lesson in how the inhabitants lived in this fort. We had driven part of the Cabot trail today but tomorrow we intend to drive a longer section along the coast.
We headed back and found a restaurant close to our RV park and enjoyed fresh clam chowder, seafood fettuccini, and cod cakes. A nice bottle of local wine topped a nice dinner.
 start of the Cabot Trail (betcha couldn't tell I used my selfie, could ya?)

 some nice vistas

 one of Sydney's claim to fame. One of the first times we can claim we've been to 2 different Sydney's (Australia)

 downtown Sydney; needs some work

 a small bay along the Marconi Trail

 this was cute; caught Caroline taking a selfie with her expensive camera. I told her to use a selfie stick!!

 bad roads!!

 this was actually a good section :(

 the entrance to the town of Louisburg

 the rebuilt of the fort was almost a little to good? (not authentic enough)

 one of the town "peasants"

 on our tour one of the "soldiers" fired his 1700's musketeer

 the main building at the fort where the Governor's quarters, barracks, prison, and the Church were

 thought I was kidding? took this shot around 3PM

 Ok so in 2 days we've passed a town called Kenzieville and now a street called Kenzie Lane. Kenzie will be so impressed. BTW I had a Bastion Lane show up as an upcoming street on my GPS but there was really no where to pull over so I passed; sorry Bro! (notice how I don't have to raise my arm and have part of it showing on the picture? Selfie stick RULES!!)

 this was last nights sunset; we had hoped for better things today but it wasn't to be. Tomorrow hopefully better

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