Sunday 14 June 2015

June 14 Niagara area

Today was moving day; from a $90/night spot to a $25/night spot in Dunnville. We are now in the heart of Canref country. There are 2 churches within 10 minutes, and about 14 churches all within an hours drive!
Dunville is a quiet little hick town off the beaten path; that is until Mudcat Festivel!! When we pulled into town, they had a section blocked off; I saw where the line ahead of me was going and I had bad thoughts about how I was going to maneuver 65' of train through. Cars parked on both sides of the street, tons of people jay walking etc... Traffic was only going one way, so it was more manageable; got lots of heads turning seeing our rig coming down the street. We settled into our new place but it had rained and the park hadn't made the pads wide enough with gravel; I made a nice track going in. I was actually quite fortunate I didn't get stuck after I saw how deep I had gone.
Today was leisure day and we made a visit with Ralph and Betty Scholtens. Betty is my cousin and we know them quite well. About 8 weeks ago Ralph had basically a clot and bad bleed in his spine which caused paralysis from his hips down. Doctors had told him he probably wouldn't walk again; but then they didn't know Ralph! Today he can pull himself up and "walk" with a 4 legged walker. Quite remarkable. Now he has no feelings in his legs and may never have but he does walk! He has a plan to go golfing one day, the score wont count he says :) His faith has remained strong but we do sense a very strong will coming through, and anyone who knows Ralph this will drive him but might annoy those closest to him. Its so hard for any family member see him this way, especially his wife Betty; it will be hard on her as he progresses.
We drove back to Dunville and managed to find our worst restaurant on the trip so far. Everything was deep fired except for one; spaghetti and meatballs!! We should've been tipped off when I saw 4 Harley's outside!! And then after we ordered a drunk couple sat a couple tables over and were simply loud and obnoxious. It actually got so bad I had our waitress go over and tell them to quiet down. Naturally she walked right from our table over to theirs to tell them so they knew who complained. Anyways, first no tip of the trip. And we also had our first riff raff incident; I woke up at exactly 12:49 to the drunk couples beside in our RV park. I guess Mudcat days in Dunnville is when the rednecks come out in droves. Pictures coming :( computer glitch and gotta run)
 He's walking!!

 lots of BIG windmills; thankfully no wind here

 it had rained!!

 oops :)

 Niagara on the lake

 and lots and lots of vineyards

 Dunnville's claim to fame; the biggest mudcat in the world! yah right

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