Monday 4 May 2015

May 4 The BIG APPLE WOW!!!

Well the Americans know how to do it BIG! this morning we first took a ferry close to our camp ground over to the next ferry which took us first to Ellis Island; this is the island in NYC harbor where imigrants were taken to as soon as they got off their ship from different parts of Europe initially, then other parts of the world to seek a new world in a truly free country. It brought back memories of our parents making the decision to immigrate to Canada many years ago; to sacrifice what they had in Holland to set out to an unknown country and start a new life. I thank them every day for what they gave up so we could live in a free country that we enjoy every day (except while we're here in the US of A). It also has a profound affect on us we, Caroline and I,continue on her cancer journey; we know that the Lord is control over our health and well being, and we thank him each day that we can continue on with this trip of love.
It was very evident throughout this excursion the fact that the USA promoted to the world that the door is wide open for immigrants to join the people of the USA in a brave new world where prosperity abounded in a beautiful new place. They did a great job in promoting this, and still continue to do this today; commercialism still runs rampant here today. Every guide, bus driver, ferry worker; they all beat their chest that the USA is THE place to be; maybe more evident here in NYC compared to the different parts we've visited so far but wow! New Yorkers are definitely the proudest. I think what happened in 2001 has impacted many New Yorkers in beating their drum a little harder.
We spent time in the Ellis island history centre and then took the next ferry to the Statue of Liberty; we spent a few extra dollars to get to the pedestal which is 5 floors off the ground. When we booked the tickets on line, the tickets to get to the crown (the top) were sold out till July!! Still got a lot of nice views and shots. We then took the ferry back to our first spot and took the next ferry over to the financial district, which is basically ground zero. We walked over to the base of One World Centre (as its now called) and viewed the "Freedom Tower", the one tower which has replace the twin World Trade Centre towers which went down in 911. The other spot where tower 2 stood is now a memorial with a large waterfall exhibit with all the names of those who perished in the fall of the twin towers.
We were getting hungry so we strolled back to what we think is probably one of the most romatic restaurants in the world; a patio table sitting in the shadows of One World Centre overlooking Manhattan harbor. I had a salmon salad and Caroline had fish tacos. A nice bottle of chardonnay capped off a wonderful day in NYC; didn't hurt is was sunny and 78 degrees! A great day!!
 Manhattan skyline close to our RV park

 America's icon

 had to get one in with us in the pic!

 this is the location of tower 2; it is a memorial waterfall with the names of all the victims engraved in stone on the top of the wall all the way around the top edge

 104 floors high!

 we ate at PJ Clarkes on the waterfront

 ok, I have NEVER seen urinals like this before; only in New York City!!!
 PJ Clarkes restaurant on the waterfront in Manhattan; does it get any more romantic than this?? (ok never mind the amount of the bill, it was well worth it for my sweetie!!!) (blow it up and you can see Miss Liberty)

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