Saturday 30 May 2015

May 30 halifax and area

Today we were debating between Halifax or Peggy's Cove first. We noticed when we got up there was a cloud cover so we decided Peggy's Cove first and if the weather wasn't good we could try again after on our way back. We found some beautiful picturesque coves and inlets en route, got some really nice "memories" but as we got closer and closer to Peggy's Cove, we saw what we had been warned of; FOG which had rolled in due to a cold front along the coast. We didn't even bother to take any pictures there as it was so socked in. Bummer! We kept going into Halifax, our first stop was the Halifax Citadel, a fort built and finished in 1856; designed to be the main headquarters for the Royal Navy to supress any land assaults. It is very well kept and we enjoyed the walk through Canadian history. From there we drove through the downtown streets (Miss Garmin told us to!) to Pier 21; this is where many Dutch immigrant's landed when they immigrated to Canada in the late 1940's and early 1950's. We went directly into the "information" area to ask about our parents and Caroline's grandparents (my grandparents did not immigrate but both of Caroline's had). We gave the name of the ships and our parents names but we were told immediately due to government regulations and privacy laws, unless they were deceased for at least 20 years, they could not release any documents to us. Too bad! I was really hoping I could see something of my parents landing at this pier over 64 years ago! Oh well, we still felt some nostalgia walking where they first stepped afoot on a new land and adventure. We were getting a little hungry, and as there was a farmers market happening in the building next door, we strolled over and did some "shoppe", grabbing some freshly squeezed coffee and snacks. Off to COSTCO!! as we needed to get a few things. My prize catch was a 6 pack of gloves for $15!! as my rubber "work gloves" had been ripped as I got one squeezed and ripped off in the cap you put back on the sewer connection when trying to get this cap on one morning. With my index finger part of the glove gone, I decided I didn't want any more sewage leaking onto my hands through this opening! (I'm sure all the guys will understand)
Caroline had found an app which had two webcam's of two spots in Peggy's Cove; as we were driving back we kept checking to see if the fog had cleared but no such luck. We were resigned to check again tomorrow morning; we really want to see this beautiful spot. Caroline heated some worshies she had bought at the farmers market with cheese, this was our meal for the day. A good day (except for missing Peggy's Cove)
 lots of good photo opp's

 you can see the fog rolling in

 and more as we got closer to Peggy's Cove

 the fort Halifax Citadel

 a "she-guard"

 ok this was actually very funny; I was ready to take a pic of this very solemn sentry. Caroline slowly starts sleeking in behind him; he didn't move one iota as she slowly "crept" in. You had to be there!!

 Pier 21; where many of our parents and grandparents first stepped foot onto Canada

 no land between here and Europe!

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