Thursday 21 May 2015

May 21 last day in Cape Cod

Today is our last day in the Cape Cod area; if it wasn't for our beeeautiful spot we might've left earlier. We headed out to the town of Sandwich and walked the old town; very quaint shops and spots. We started by the old grist mill and glass blowing museum and walked down the "main drag". We had slept in a bit (again :)) so we stopped at an old house which was transformed into a coffee shop for a nooner (coffee :)). Soon as we walked in we knew it was "the happening place" in Sandwich (never thought I'd say that) since the place was packed; we got the last table and enjoyed fresh coffee and a "tampouse"; basically pudding sandwiched between two layers of crusted dough with chocolate on top; yummy!. After our snack we drove to the canal which separates the mainland from Cape Cod; here was a very nice bike path along the canal to the entrance from the ocean. A little windy but it was sunny; about 67 degrees. After our bike ride we headed up the North side of Cape Cod through very picturesque roads and little towns. The country side is so nice here, it is a throwback in time for sure. We were debating whether to find a restaurant but soon realized a lot of them don't open till 5 so we made the corporate decision to go back to the harbor in Sandwich where we had found a couple days ago a fresh fish (looooobster!!!) market right on the docks; I'd had never seen so many live lobsters before in one tank! We bought some lobster and crab cakes and my personal chef aka "the boss/navigator" whipped up a sumptuous meal for two. A good day :)
 the old grist mill in sandwich

 selfie stick! oooh yah! (cant tell can ya?)

 ok so we almost crashed when the 5 second timer went off, that's why the extra smiles. Was almost a major wipe out

 the bike trail is about 8 miles long

 Oceanside view looking North

 what can I say, the picture says it all (the view :))

1 comment:

  1. Is a tampouse like a Napoleon? I guess that they would be reluctant to call them Napoleons...
