Tuesday 26 May 2015

May 26 Baaaa Haaaabe

Ok so it was really Bar harbor for you Westerners :) We had thought about staying one more night in Belfast but decided to move on; the drive was one of the shorter ones we've made, only a little over an hour. This was also the very first time on our trip we did NOT book ahead. We took the notion as we've come quite far North that we are enough removed from locals, and the last park was virtually empty; we have decided to try and "wing' it a bit. With our passport America membership, it only cost us $30 for a $60 site.
Bar Harbor is the largest city (village) on this "island"; the only separation is a small bridge, but hey, these are Americans, anything to exemplify a fact to get more money from tourists. The shocking thing was we actually found free parking right at the waterfront; nice! We first did some shoppe, picked up a few really cool things. The weather was very nice after a rain shower last night; the one problem with an RV; when it rains heavy, the pitter patter of rain is more like "Thump Thump". I'm normally a very sound sleeper in thanks to the metabolism of my mother :) but I actually woke a couple times when it came down hard. But today was sunny, some scattered clouds and a balmy 70 degrees. After a couple of waffle cones to combat the scorching heat (lets face it ice cream always goes good over 70 degrees) we headed for a drive around the "island". We stopped at a number of sites to take pictures of the beautiful coast line here. One stop was actually a nice small gardens Caroline had actually read about in a Frommers guide. Her love of plants and flowers would never stop me from stopping at any exhibit with flowers and plants. I know who the boss is at "those moments" hee hee. We know who really is the Captitain driving this bus? Right?
After picking up a few groceries, I fired up the barby and cooked up some deliciously scrumptious chicjen boneless skinless thighs smothered with peanut sauce; couple with a mean ceasar salad and a small testing of fiddleheads (yes, first time!); a great way to end another good day.
 another bridge, this was kinda cool

 our spot in bar Harbor

 ok so you're thinking what is the picture of; well, that mound there believe or not is THE highest point of land on the east coast all the way to Brazil!!! 1540 feet high. Americans; they'll try anything to make money; the Parks board wanted to charge us $25 bucks to enter the park and visit this marvel. NOT!

 Caroline in her glory

 another beautiful coastal bay pic

 and another

 I was going to not mention what we ate in my dialogue above but thought what the heck; with some butter and garlic, they were very tasty

1 comment:

  1. That garden looked a bit sad. Maybe you didn't take the picture in the right spot Bill? Did the fiddleheads taste like asparagus?
