Saturday 31 October 2015

October 31 to Wiiliams Arizona (lots of pictures in this one)

We left the Lake Powell area this morning on a very pleasant drive to Williams Arizona; this is the meeting point for visiting the Grand Canyon. We spent two nights at a very nice park in the federal park system just outside of Paige AZ. In hindsight when we were in Yellowstone or Mt Rushmore we should've bought the year pass for all federal parks; well this time we paid the $80 (US) to allow us into all parks in stead of paying separately, which was starting to add up. After a beautiful jaunt into the Bryce Canyon area, we thought that couldn't be beat. Well were we in for a surprise; just outside of Page there is a place called Antelope Canyon. Its on a Navajo Indian reserve just outside town. What an awesome place to visit. In all our travels to date we haven't seen such a beautiful display of what God has created with His handiwork. I'll let the pictures and captions explain. We also visited a view point called Horsehoe bend, a small pullout off the side of the road, with a 1.5 km walk to just an amazing viewpoint! I have to admit it was a bit scary as there are no fences or guards to prevent one from "getting too close". Angela deHaan had mentioned to me before how scared they were with 4 little ones in tow when they visited this stop. And I could see why! I would suggest any one visiting this spot with small children to invest in harnesses (just like walking a dog with a leash) as this is a very dangerous place to visit. We saw some "curious" folk getting reeeeal brave to get a once in a lifetime pic; when it was my turn to "scootch" close to the edge to get our once in a lifetime shot, I was getting real nervous! It's one of those times in your life you get down right scared! well we got our pics but I was relieved to be walking back to the car. This was also one of the first times on our trip that the cancer journey was back the forefront. Now we're not sure if this is the elevation or not, but the walk back up a fairly steep slope back to the truck caused Caroline to stop a number of times to take a rest. Her breathing has become more of an issue. We'll see when we get back down to planet earth in Palm Springs later this week. Caroline and I are always concerned over changes in her physical condition and this is the first time since we left that we've had this concern. Again, we leave the future in His hands and pray we will continue to look to Him for our strength.
At the "resort (campground)" there was also a hotel and restaurant, we decided to reward ourselves with a nice dinner out overlooking the lake at sunset. A good couple days.
BTW this is the most pics I've posted; please enjoy :)
 yes we did have some rain

 so this is a boat launch. now I've been to a number over the years BUT this is the mother of all boat launches. I mean you can take a plane down this baby! or maybe a cruise ship as Jaco reminded me :)

 Lake Powell



 the Glen Canyon Dam which is at the end of the Lake Powell; the Colorado river runs to the Grand Canyon from here

 more lake powell


 after the dam

 looking back at the dam

 Antelope Canyon, the top before we walked down. Now I've put a lot of pictures here because to put a couple wouldn't do it justice. Enjoy

 very steep steps going down

 she was worried at the incline; I helped :)

 going back up

 pretty :)

 more pretty :) :)

 ok more good (cause im in the picture)

 this was funny, Caroline learned how to do a panorama on her phone going vertical instead of horizontal. I was a little worried she'd fall backwards!!

 coming out of Antelope Canyon

 there was a sign warning us about standing on a rock overhanging the canyon. she didn't care :(

 we were on the same rock but not near as close as the previous. Chickens!!

 our Lake Powell abode for 3 days

 a nice dinner to finish off this visit

 on our way to Williams AZ

 great place in Williams

 we are on route 66 (google it)

 this is the railway that goes to Grand canyon.

 sun setting on a good day

 chicken on the barby (thanks Jim O)