Tuesday 28 April 2015

April 27 Newport North Carolina and on to the Outer Banks

We now will be crossing more state lines quicker as each state is considerably smaller than some of the larger ones eg Texas and Florida. Today we stopped in Newport SC at a very quiet RV park. again as we move more north we've started to see less "snowbirds" as the temperatures are definitely cooler. Newport is a smaller coastal town known for its history and fishing. We visited a nautical museum where they have many artifacts from the notorious Captain Blackbeard and his ship which wrecked just off their coast. They even have a sample of a heart of a sperm whale.
We were going to get a second night here after Caroline said I could go for a game of golf. Well I was the first one off and was paired off with a really old guy who said I should go on my own as he is really slow with two knees replaced just recently. So I did something I've never done before; go golfing by myself. The good part it allowed me to play two games (two balls) in 2.5 hours!!
I came back to the park just as Caroline was getting out of bed! :) We decided to pull out and head to the Outer Banks; the stretch of islands just off the Carolina coast. This was the first time we drove on a 2 lane road in sections; nice country farm driving. We noticed some farms with many, many barns. I think they were chicken barns; one farm had at least 40-50!! They do things big down here! Pretty sure I got good gas mileage on this 3.5 hour drive as 55MPH as the speed limit most of the way. Tomorrow we visit Kitty Hawk; the birth of flight!
 our camp spot in Newport; it was very empty of us "travellers"

 there was no beach but a nice dock. the water is very shallow along the coast here. as we were walking back from the end of the dock we saw a stingray close to shore!

 the boardwalk along the old town of Beaufort, a town nearby

 making friends with a pirate :)

 this ladies heart was close to mine! (a real whale's heart!!)

 a nice "fishy" meal at a local seafood restaurant

 another very long bridge joining the mainland to Roanoke Island, part of the Outer Banks of islands off the Carolina Coast

 no selfie!! (thanks buddy)

 a very serene place to park for a couple nights

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